THRIVE Participant Course

Leading Ourselves


ZOE Network exists to empower and mobilize women and men, through biblical discipleship and the power of the Holy Spirit, to thrive in the mission of God, at home and abroad.

THRIVE is a follow-up to the IDENTITY course. The IDENTITY course, helps people discover “who they are” and “what they are to do", encouraging them to take risks, getting involved in His work around them.

We have seen so many lives transformed through the IDENTITY course, but we also began to recognize the struggle for many to take this new identity and calling and move forward with it. How can we move past the fear and old patterns that hold us back?

These questions led to the creation of this course called THRIVE. We identified the need for people to build practical skills to support their new identity and calling. Spiritual maturity and self-leadership were key. We wanted to help others develop these skills, believing that it leads to greater effectiveness in our partnership with God in His mission.


Session One: Called to Maturity

  • As we learned in the IDENTITY course, we each play an essential part in God’s mission. Fulfilling our part well in that mission requires us to become spiritually mature. Spiritual maturity touches every aspect of our lives; our spirit, mind, emotions, relationships and even our body. It requires self awareness and self leadership. We don’t have to “fix ourselves,” instead we cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He does His work in us. Our part is to lean into the growth areas He is inviting us into.

Session Two: Cultivating our Spirit

  • We were made for connection with God and it is from this connection that the rest of our life should flow. Being empowered by the Holy Spirit allows us to respond to God’s mission effectively. Unfortunately distraction and busyness often interrupt this connection. We can cultivate our spirit by prioritizing spiritual disciplines like Reading Scripture, Prayer and Reflection. These tools help position us to receive fully from God.

Session Three: Renewing our Mind

  • The apostle Paul understood the power of the mind. He taught that our transformation is realized through the renewing of our minds. He instructed believers to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. We need to become skilled in identifying toxic thoughts and replacing them with the truth. This brings us great freedom.

Session Four: Regulating our Emotions

  • God gave us the capacity to experience a great range of emotions. Emotions are important indicators in our lives to what is going on beneath the surface. Emotional maturity can also be called Emotional Intelligence. EI is the ability to recognize and manage our emotions well. When we can do this our relationships and leadership is strengthened.

Session Five: Honouring our Bodies

  • Our bodies matter to God. Your body contains a spiritual soul that is meant to house the Spirit of God. This means your body is a holy place! He made each of us “particular people” and called our bodies “good.” Our bodies are integral to our worship and our ability to fulfil our call. When we care for our bodies well it honours God and allows us to be more effective in His mission.

Session Six: Your Best Next Step

  • Let’s celebrate what is doing. God has given each of us a “first name;” a unique part to play in God’s mission. We must be equipped to do our part well. This equipping includes spiritual maturity which requires self-leadership. While we are not yet where we will be one day, we are making progress. When we make a plan for personal growth and maturity and we create accountability structures, we will have a greater chance at success.

Your Instructor

ZOE Network
ZOE Network
ZOE Network finds its organizational home within Mission Global, which is the international arm of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. We value strengths-based collaboration and empower groups of people to develop our courses. Each course is written, tested, revised and re-written in community. We believe this strengthens both the quality and impact of our material. Our ultimate goal is to activate people to participate fully in God’s mission. May you be blessed by our efforts!

Course Curriculum

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