God is at work all around us and we help people see Him at work, in their lives, in their neighbourhoods and around the world. God invites all of us to participate in His work and through ZOE, we help people discover the part that they can play in His unfolding story.

I have found so much freedom. I no longer fear being seen as haughty or prideful to be using my gifts fully and out loud. I used to strive to stay small and hidden with my gifts unless I was asked to use them. I am grateful for what I've learned. – Loralie P., Alberta
This course has impacted me personally by giving me confidence that I thought I never had. Reading the scriptures and understanding them in a different way that’s been taught blew my mind. “He made women and said it was very good”. It gave me a new outlook on women in leadership roles, and how God has destined me for a time as this. If you’re struggling with self confidence or thinking how can I do this?, I’m just a girl, take this course you won’t be disappointed. - Annmarie